Privacy Policy

Welcome to FoxLetFun's Privacy Burrow!

Effective Date: February 1st, 2024

Introduction: Welcome to the playful world of FoxLetFun! This Privacy Policy is here to guide you through how we collect and use your personal data when you visit our website, and how you can stay in control of your information.

What We Collect:

Personal Info: When you hop onto our site, we might ask for details like your name, email, and other contact information that you willingly share with us.

Automatic Info: We also automatically gather data like your IP address, browser type, device info, and how you interact with our site.

How We Use Your Info: We use your data to:

Keep our website running smoothly.

Personalize your experience on our platform.

Send you fun updates and newsletters if you’ve signed up for them.

Improve our website based on your feedback.

Cookies & Similar Tech: We use cookies to make your visit to our site as seamless as possible. You can always manage these through your browser settings, but keep in mind, turning off cookies might limit some features.

Third-Party Links: Our site might contain links to other sites. While we aim to link only to trustworthy places, we aren’t responsible for their privacy practices. Always check their privacy policies before sharing your info.

Security: We work hard to keep your information safe, but remember, no online data transmission is 100% secure. We take all reasonable steps to protect your data.

Your Choices: You have the right to opt-out of certain data collection and processing. Your privacy, your choice!

Policy Changes: We might tweak this policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted here, so you’re always in the loop.

Contact Us: Got questions? Reach out to us on our social media platforms—we’re all ears!

Frequently Asked
What is FoxLetFun?
What Makes FoxLetFun Unique?
How Can I Join the Presale?
How Many Presale Stages Are There?
Why Can't I See My Tokens in My Wallet?
How Long Does Each Presale Stage Last?
Any Benefits for Early Birds?
What’s the Total Supply of FoxLetFun Tokens?
How Do I Join the FoxLetFun Community?
Which Blockchain is FoxLetFun Built On?
How Can I Check My Token Balance?
What About the Smart Contract?
Are There Any Audits?
Where Can I Trade FoxLetFun Tokens?
How Do I Contact FoxLetFun Support?